As you can imagine, the extended stay hotel where we do one of our Prevention Programs is a transitional place for these families. Some stay for a week, and others stay for a year or two. Each time I hear about kids moving out, my heart has to make some difficult adjustments.
I just love them so dearly, and I feel like they’re being taken away from me.
Such a huge part of me is saying, “Nooo! Stay in this nasty, small hotel room forever, so I can come and love you!”
Of course, I really do want them to experience a normal childhood, where they can play in a front yard, and have family dinners, and soccer practice … I’m just really going to miss them.
When I hear that another family is moving, my immediate thoughts are:
Where are they going to hear about Jesus now?
Who is going to love them?
Will anyone show them who God is … who LOVE is?
Have I taught them well?
Have I done my job?
What will they take away from the way I treated them?
Do they know Jesus?
Do they know the one who created them so uniquely?
Do they know that their identity is Jesus … that they were made in His image … with His characteristics?
Do they know their Savior?
Do they know the freedom they can have in Him?
Do they know that all of LIFE is found in Christ?
Do they know?
And these thoughts have transformed the way I write curriculum. What if there is a child that only comes for one week? What if that is the only week they ever hear about Jesus? What will they think? How will their life be different?
So the theme for this season’s Kids’ Club is JESUS.
That’s it.
I want the kids to know Him. Every single week, I want the kids to ENCOUNTER Him. No one was the same after encountering Jesus while He was here on Earth.
Be praying for our Spring Kids’ Club starting up at the end of February. Pray that we have many many volunteers to make this all happen. Pray that the Lord will give me more and more of Himself to share with the kids. Pray that the kids will know Him. Pray for baptisms! Pray for God encounters. Pray for miracles. And pray that the Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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