So I guess this is what a leap of faith feels like. To leap from financial security into a position that may or may not pay the bills from month to month, and to leap from knowing what to expect each day at work to not knowing where the Spirit will lead next …. This is so great! I’d rather be moving with the Lord than sitting around with financial security any day. I’ve been praying pretty regularly that the Lord would increase my faith, and well, here I am.
So here’s what my leap looks like: I have decided to leave my wonderful job as a Preschool teacher at Urban Explorers Preschool to work full time for NightLight Atlanta as the Director of Prevention Programming.
NightLight is a faith-based international organization that addresses the issues surrounding human trafficking through prevention, intervention, prayer and discipleship, restoration and educating others about the issue.
NightLight operates in Bangkok, Thailand as a jewelry business (NightLight Design, Co. Ltd) and a non-profit (NightLight Foundation). In the United States, NightLight functions as a 501c3 with branches in Atlanta and Los Angeles.
I’ve been volunteering with NightLight for about six months now and I absolutely love it. I love it because it’s so real. Scripture comes to life as we face this spiritual warfare on such a regular basis.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.” (Isaiah 61:1,2 and Luke 4:18,19)
And now the answers to so many prayers I’ve prayed for those in bondage and for my role in their freedom are now coming together. Here’s what I see happening: I see the children that we work with coming into the Kingdom of God and bringing their whole neighborhoods and families along with them into the Kingdom. It’s a beautiful thing to picture!
Here’s the thing: These kids’ world is full of darkness now. Things might seem a little impossible to change to some people. But here’s the cool thing: God can create something out of nothing. He can create hope where there was despair. He can heal brokenness. He truly is a Redeemer. No one is past the point of redemption. I believe that. And I know that He is going to be a Mighty Savior to these children. And I believe the children born into darkness are going to be the agents of change and hope not only for their families and communities, but for this city. Salvation is on its way … Get ready, Atlanta!!! The Kingdom is here!
My new job is to pour into these children. I think that is the best thing ever.
In addition to learning how to effectively bring the Good News to these precious kids (who are going to become the next leaders in the Kingdom!!!), I also have to learn a lot about raising financial support to make it all possible. Anyone interested in becoming a part of this ministry by supporting me? I would LOVE to know if you are.
There are two ways to support me financially: online or by writing a check. To give online, visit and click on the bottom right-hand tab labeled "GIVE." Once you've entered in a US dollar amount, be sure to click on the drop box and select "NightLight Atlanta." Checks can also be mailed to NightLight International, PO Box 74850, Los Angeles, CA 90004. Be sure to earmark checks “Atlanta.” All donations are tax deductible.
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite verses these days:
“The One who is in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world.” - 1 John 4:4